

FAQ covers the questions most frequently asked by our customers.
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FAQ Lists

Is there a reason why I should update my map and/ or software?

Each year, the map database is updated withnew subdivisions, improved rural maps and other roadway changes. Points ofInterest like stores and restaurants are updated as well. Occasionally newfeatures are added to the navigation system software.


How often is the map updated?

We offer map updates once a year for allmodel.

I lost my ID and password

The ID is the e-mail address you enteredwhen registering. If you forget any account, please click “forget yourID/Password” button and find the information.

Who do I contact when I have issues with my navigation system?

We specialize in digital maps for yourvehicle. For any software issues related to map functions (roads, points ofinterest, route calculating, etc.) please call our Customer Center at0888-770-3355 (Brazil)

How can I find out which map version I have?

You can find out your version by pressing System Info. Button on the navigationsetup menu. The map version number appears on the screen with the version ofcurrent software version. Different car models display different versions. Tocheck if you have the latest version, click on ‘Map Update’ tab and check if yourvehicle’s map version matches the latest version.